
Japan Swiss Architectural Association

JSAA is a platform that will share cultural qualities and technologies in contemporary architecture.

The new association aims to invigorate both Japanese and Swiss architecture through its annual program including lectures, academic workshops and exhibitions that will be open not only to the architectural professionals but also to the public.
As Swiss architecture has drawn more interest in Japan recently, it has encouraged many Japanese university students and architectural professionals to study, work and teach in Switzerland until today. In order to continue and develop our exchange between Japanese and Swiss architectural culture, we believe establishing a comprehensive and strategic institution is necessary.

We would like to thank you in advance for your kind support and understanding to our goal of the association.


一般社団法人 日瑞建築文化協会(JSAA)は、日本とスイスの建築分野での交流と相互理解のためのプラットフォームです。

近年、日本においてスイスの建築の情報に触れることができる機会が大きく増え、交換留学制度等による学生たちや 建築の実務者や教育者による建築文化交流が多く生まれてきました。
こうした気運が持続的に発展を続けるために、 レクチャー、シンポジウム、学生ワークショップ、展覧会等の企画を通じて両国の建築文化を相互に理解し、戦略的に発信していくための体制を構築することが必要です。これらのイベントは建築の専門家だけでなく広く一般に開かれたものになります。



Swiss National Museum, Christ & Gantenbein, 2016 (c) Iwan Baan

  • Message from Advisory
    Board Nobuaki Furuya

    • I sincerely thank you for the fact that Japan Swiss Architectural Association was born by volunteers of young Japanese architects who have worked with Swiss architects or learned at Swiss universities and are related to Switzerland.

      About 30 years ago, I also stayed in Switzerland in the same way and I have learned a lot from architect Mario Botta. For my life, that year I spent with my family in this fascinating country, which hosts the Alps in the middle and has diverse cultures of east, west, north and south, was an irreplaceable experience. I would like to encourage all the young people to touch that environment.

      After returning home, I continued to exchange architectural culture with Switzerland and other countries, and realized the growing importance of such organization for every architect that are involved into world-wide collaboration. I believe that the role this association should play in mutual understanding and architectural cultural exchange with Switzerland is truly valuable and significant.

      For the further development of Japan Swiss Architectural Association, I sincerely ask for your warm support to this association.

      Nobuaki Furuya

      JSAA Advisory Board
      55th President of the Architectural Institute of Japan
      Professor at Waseda University

  • 顧問よりメッセージ 

    • 一般社団法人 日瑞建築文化協会が、スイスの建築家の元で働き、あるいはスイスの大学で学んだ、スイスにゆかりのある若手日本人建築家の有志によって誕生したことを心よりお慶び申し上げます。



      • 古谷誠章

        古谷 誠章

        日瑞建築文化協会 顧問
        第55代 日本建築学会会長

  • Message from Advisory
    Board Momoyo Kaijima

    • Since I went to ETHZ (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) as a Swiss government scholarship student in 1996, I have been learning a lot by thinking about commonalities and differences between Japanese culture and Swiss culture. To deepen the investigation, I am teaching at the ETHZ design studio from 2017 about the behavior of architecture focusing on the cultural comparison of the two countries.

      Through the activities of JSAA, I expect that the exchange between Japan and Switzerland will become active beyond generations.

      Momoyo Kaijima

      JSAA Advisory Board
      Atelier Bow-Wow
      Associate Professor at University of Tsukuba
      Professor at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

  • 顧問よりメッセージ 

    • 1996年にスイス政府奨学生としてスイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(ETHZ)に留学して以来、日本文化とスイス文化の共通点と相違点について考えることで、多くのことを学んできました。2017年から教鞭をとっているETHZの建築設計スタジオでも両国の比較文化を着眼点として、建築の振る舞い学について教えています。


      • 貝島 桃代

        貝島 桃代

        日瑞建築文化協会 顧問


Lecture “Last Act of Design” with Emanuel Christ, Christoph Gantenbein, Go Hasegawa and Kentaro Ishida 2019

JSAA Events

JSAA will establish programs for sustainable cultural exchange. Programs aim to invite Swiss-related architects and engineers for 1-3 major events and some smaller events per year.

In order to cultivate our diverse network, events will take place not only in Tokyo, but also in Kyoto, Sendai, Sapporo, Fukuoka, and eventually in Swiss cities.

Program will take the form of lecture, symposium, academic workshop, and exhibition. Discourses will be documented and be published through books, web articles, and videos.

JSAA will create opportunities to touch real and actual Swiss architectural discussion for professionals and the public.






  • Kentaro Ishida 石田 建太朗

    • Born in 1973. He studied architecture at the AA School in London. He collaborated with Swiss architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron from 2004-2012. He established his architectural studio KIAS, Kentaro Ishida Architects Studio in Tokyo in 2012. Currently he is teaching architecture at Tokyo Institute of Technology as Associate Professor.

      1973年生まれ。ロンドンのAAスクールにて建築を学び、2004年から12年までスイスの建築設計事務所ヘルツォーク&ド・ムー ロンにてアソシエイトを務める。2012年に東京に拠点を移しイシダアーキテクツスタジオ株式会社を設立。2016年より東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院 特任准教授。

  • Yujin Hirase 平瀬 有人

    • Born in 1976. He completed the Master course at Waseda University. He worked at NASCA and Waseda University as Assistant. He is working as partner at yHa architects since 2007. He was working with HHF architects in Switzerland as Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists, Agency for Cultural Affairs from 2007-2008. Currently he is teaching architecture at Saga University as Associate Professor.

      1976年生まれ。早稲田大学大学院修了後、ナスカ・早稲田大学助手を経て、2007年 yHa architects パートナー。2007年文化庁新進芸術家海外留学制度研修員としてスイス在住(HHF architects)。2008年より佐賀大学准教授。2017年建築作品による博士(建築学)学位取得。

  • Tomoyuki Kurokawa 黒川 智之

    • Born in 1977. He completed the Master course at Tokyo Institute of Technology. He worked at Takenaka corporation. He was working with Herzog & de Meuron in Switzerland as Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists, Agency for Cultural Affairs from 2008-2009. He worked at Kengo Kuma & associates in Tokyo from 2010- 2012. He established Tomoyuki Kurokawa Architects in Tokyo in 2012.

      1977年生まれ。東京工業大学大学院修了後、竹中工務店に勤務。2008年、文化庁新進芸術家海外留学制度研修員としてスイスに渡り、Herzog & de Meuronに在籍。帰国後、隈研吾建築都市設計事務所での勤務を経て、2012年に黒川智之建築設計事務所を設立。

  • Chie Konno 金野 千恵

    • Born in 1981. She studied at Tokyo Institute of Technology and in the meantime studied as scholarship student at ETHz from 2005-06, completed the Doctoral course at Tokyo Tech. with PhD. She worked as assistant at Kobe Design University from 2011-2012, and worked at Nippon Institute of Technology as Assistant Professor from 2013- 16. In 2011, established KONNO, founded t e c o as co-president in 2015.

      1981年生まれ。東京工業大学大学院在学中の2005年から06年スイス連邦工科大学奨学生。2011年、東京工業大学大学院博士課程修了、博士(工学)取得。2011年より12年まで神戸芸術工科大学助手、2013年より16年まで日本工業大学助教。2011年建築設計KONNOを設立ののち、2015年より t e c o 共同主宰。

  • Kosuke Yutani 湯谷 紘介

    • Born in 1983. He completed the Bachelor course at Kyushu Institute of Design in 2007 and the Master course at Chur Institute of Architecture in Graubunden, Switzwerland in 2009. He worked at Raphael Zuber, Architect in Chur from 2009 to 2010, and worked at an architectural office in his hometown. He founded YUTANI DESIGN in 2013.

      1983年生まれ。九州芸術工科大学芸術工学部(現、九州大学)を2007年に卒業。グラウビュンデン州のクールインスティテュートを2009年に修了後、クールにあるラファエル・ズーバー、アーキテクトにて勤務。地元の伊勢の設計事務所を経て、2013年にYUTANI DE SIGNをスタート。

  • Sho Kurokawa 黒川 彰

    • Born in 1987. He completed the Bachelor course at Keio University in Tokyo in 2009, and the Master course at Academy of architecture in Mendrisio, Switzerland in 2014. He worked for OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen in Brussels, Belgium from 2012-2013. He founded Sho Kurokawa architects in Tokyo in 2014.

      1987年生まれ。慶應義塾大学環境情報学部を2009年に卒業し、渡欧。OFFICE Kersten Geers David Severenでの勤務を経て、2014年にスイスイタリア語圏大学・メンドリジオ建築アカデミーを修了。2015年にSho Kurokawa a rchitects 株式会社を設立。